Best MoodBoard app for iPhone
When choosing a mood board app to store your stuff - whether it’s inspiration for your new home, design ideas, cool photos or just gather your thoughts, there are a few key important points we think you should care about
1 - Privacy
2 - Platforms
3 - User Interface
4 - Price
5 - Collaboration
When we designed Pile, we kept those points as key values for our product, and that’s why we believe that Pile is the best mood board app for your iPhone right now in the market. Let’s dig deeper in each point:
1 - Privacy
Privacy is such an important part for any app, but specially for those apps where we will be storing our thoughts, ideas and personalities.
Pile was built on top of Apple’s iCloud to provide the most private experience - if you trust your iPhone to store your passwords, contacts, notes and data you already trust Pile. This way, Pile (or any developer behind Pile) cannot access your data, even if they wanted, because it’s stored on your iCloud account. Can you believe Pile is the only Mood Board app that uses iCloud?
2 - Platforms
Having a Mood Board app that is on your iPhone is super handy, but having it also in your iPad or Mac is even better.
But what’s more important is having deeper integrations in your Operating System, so you can quickly add stuff to your Mood Boards easily from anywhere. That’s why we build Pile for iPhone, Mac and iPad and all of them have system integrations such as drag and drop, Share Extensions or Action Extensions
3 - User Interface
When dealing with user generated content you want the app behind everything, giving priority to your own content and not disrupting your creativity. But you also want to have the right options at the right time, so you can be productive.
We believe we’ve achieved this in Pile, and that’s why we have the highest ranking (4.5+ stars) in the App Store between similar apps.
4 - Price
We want to make apps accessible to everyone but at the same time have enough money to keep improving them in the future, so we designed a price strategy that fits exactly that. We offer subscription options (monthly and yearly) with a trial period but also offer a one-time purchase for those who hate the idea of subscriptions. And because we don’t need to maintain servers, they are all more affordable than any app of the competition!
5 - Collaboration
Collaborating with others is the best way to get the best ideas, plans and inspiration. So we’ve embedded Collaboration in all platforms so you can share a folder with your teammates and start adding stuff together!